Welcome to Handpicked Hostess

handpicked moments of happiness (1).png

I’m so happy you are here!

A Little About Me

I’m Sam, the creator of Handpicked Hostess. I live in Tennessee with my husband, our baby boy, and our pup. I’m a lover of tacos, lattes, brewery patios, dogs, farmers markets, exploring new places, local/ small businesses, and community. I graduated from University of Iowa (Go Hawks!), and I work full time as an industrial engineer.

Handpicked Hostess is my creative side project that really started out of my own journey to embrace the happiness in everyday and look at everyday as an adventure. Life is far too short to not be happy in our now.

I am a mom, a working professional, a wife, and a lover of all things local. This is the diary of my everyday adventures navigating those.

Embracing Everyday Adventures

To look at everyday as an adventure we need to be mindful in handpicking what inspires us, handpicking where we invest our precious time, handpicking a supportive and diverse community to be apart of, and handpicking learning opportunities to continuously grow and stretch us. It’s so easy to become wrapped up in what’s trendy or what others are doing, but instead we need to focus on what brings us happiness now and in the future. Your current life isn’t boring you just might not be looking at it as an adventure everyday.

Embracing everyday adventures isn’t about doing something crazy fun everyday, its about looking at your day and realizing those moments in between are magical. Embracing those moments, looking at them as an adventure (an everyday adventure), and letting them bring us joy.

Think of me as your hostess as you handpick your own adventures. I’ll help inspire you, but remember these are my adventures- take this as inspiration and modify it to fit your life.

“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.”

- William Feather




A compilation of what I've been loving, learning and living by lately.